2013 Spring Mikado

Gilbert and Sullivan's
The Mikado

at the Epsom Playhouse
Spring 2013

Director - Lee Power
Music Director - David Edwards
Choreographer - Helen Parker

Cast List

Nanki-Poo - John Vallance
Yum-Yum - Emily Evans
The Mikado - Dilip Patel
Katisha - Claire Padbury
Ko-Ko - Michael Lock
Pooh-Bah - Chris Evans
Pitti-Sing - Lisa Scott
Peep-Bo - Jacky Cook
Pish Tush - Chris Haslett
Go-To - Gareth Thomas

Chorus Members

Juliana Anderiesz, Heather Congdon, Christine Evans, Penny Hanham, Sally Hatton, Janet Holah, Jill Howlett, Nicola Howlett, Terry Marsh, Julie Parker, Eileen Range, Diana Springate, Linda Sutch, Jan Wallis, Louise Laithwaite, Sandra Zeffman.

Dave Don, John Hayman-Joyce, Len Martin, Steve Mackenzie, Chris Rumbold, Rick Thompsett, Harry Wilkinson.


LeeP  Lee Power, Director
Lee has been very active in amateur musical theatre in the area, 'man and boy', since the 1970s – winning awards as both a performer and a director. In 2010 his production of ELOC's 'The Pirates of Penzance' received a much coveted NODA Accolade of Excellence Award.

Recent roles have included Tevye (Fiddler On the Roof), Fred Graham/Petruchio (Kiss Me, Kate!), Darryl van Horne (The Witches of Eastwick), Capt. Balstrode (Peter Grimes), The Pirate King (The Pirates of Penzance), Capt. Corcoran (HMS Pinafore), 'Wild' Bill Hickock (Calamity Jane), Vittorio Vidal (Sweet Charity), Col Calverley (Patience) and Sir Roderic (Ruddigore). As a younger man ha played,
Billy Bigelow (Carousel), Curly McLean (Oklahoma!), Sky Masterson (Guys & Dolls), Kipps (Half a Sixpence), Sir Lancelot (Camelot), Jack Point (The Yeomen of the Guard) and Ko Ko (The Mikado).

He will be appearing as The Beast in Disney's 'Beauty and the Beast' at The Leatherhead Theatre from May 1st to 4th, and now sings professionally after many years as a police officer (see: www.leepower.co.uk ).

David David Edwards, Musical Director
This is David's fourth show with Epsom Light Opera Company. He was previously Musical Director for 'The Yeomen of the Guard', 'Carmen the Musical' and 'The Pirates of Penzance'. The latter show won the NODA Accolade of Excellence Award for the best amateur show in NODA Region 21.

Music is an important part of David's life, having been Musical Director in the past for Cheam Operatic Society and Banstead and Nork Operatic. Until recently, he was Director of Music for a Parish Church in Mitcham, a position he held for twenty seven years. Until his retirement, he was Head of Music in a primary school in Merton and directed many of the borough's annual music festivals. He now works part time as a Civil Servant for the UKBA.

As well as being a Musical Director, David has 'trod the boards' with different amateur companies in the south of London and has taken roles in most of the Gilbert and Sullivan favourites. However his greatest honour was to sing in the choir at the wedding of Prince Charles to Princess Diana.

David hopes that you enjoy tonight's performance of 'The Mikado' and he would like to thank ELOC for inviting him back as MD for this show.

Helen Helen Parker, Choreographer
Helen gained most of her dancing experience attending Laine Theatre Arts where
she studied Modern, Jazz, Ballet and Tap from the ages of 3 – 18.
Helen has now been an Associate of the ISTD for 3 years, after completing her dance teaching diploma at the Kingston Teacher's Training College in both Modern Theatre and Tap dance. Looking onwards and upwards, Helen can now be seen teaching college students in tap dance and is also now trying to complete her Licentiate in Tap, where she hopes to further her knowledge and experience in the dancing world.

Over the last 6 years, Helen has taught dance at various schools around the Surrey area and can now be seen teaching at The Hawthorns School, Danes Hill School, C&C Dance and with Suki Turner's Centre Stage Dance and Drama school in Oxshott.

Choreography is one of Helen's greatest passions and she always looks forward to choreographing an ELOC show. Some of Helen's latest work at the Epsom Playhouse includes 'The Pirates of Penzance', 'Anything Goes' and 'How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying'. Helen has also choreographed shows at The Barn and The Leatherhead Theatre. Helen would love to wish the cast and crew 'All the best' this week and to thank everyone for their continued support and enthusiasm!

JohnV 'Nanki-Poo', played by John Valance
This is John's second G&S show, having played Marco in 'The Gondoliers' at the London Oratory Theatre in June 2011. Other recent performances include the Prince (Snow White) at the Gunpowder Mills Theatre, Fraser (Dad's Army The Musical) with Wimbledon Light Opera at Merton Hall, the Prince (Cinderella) at the Gunpowder Mills Theatre and Remandado (Carmen) with Brent Opera.

John is the founding Music Director and Conductor of the London Contemporary Voices and was MD for GEOIDs' complex production of 'The Fix' in central London last year. Most recently, John sang in a small ensemble in BBC One's Midnight Mass Live from Leeds Cathedral and, as a singer with the BBC symphony chorus, he regularly sings in the BBC Proms and other performances on Radio 3.

emily-evans 'Yum-Yum', played by Emily Evans
The last time Emily played a 'little maid' was back in April 2006 with ELOC's 'Hot Mikado' in the role of Peep Bo. This time she is delighted to be playing Yum Yum, who is described as: 'beautiful, having mastered the art of innocent sweetness, whilst being unwittingly vain'! Emily is thrilled once again to be acting alongside her father Chris, playing the role of Pooh Bah tonight. She has had such fun rehearsing for this show, and is pleased to be supported by such a great, talented cast and production team. Being part of an amateur dramatic society such as ELOC brings great pleasure, but it also takes a team of dedicated people to run things 'behind the scenes'. She would like to thank all those who made it possible to put this show on tonight, and also the audience who have come to support us. Emily has enjoyed the challenge of learning the music of this classic Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, and hopes you equally enjoy listening to these well-known songs tonight.
Dil 'The Mikado', played by Dillip Patel
Dilip has been performing shows with ELOC for some 14 years and is glad that he still has a day time job, his family even more so! Most enjoyable roles to date include Pooh Bah (Hot Mikado), Ching Ho (Thoroughly Modern Millie), Daddy Brubeck (Sweet Charity) and Ismay (Titanic the Musical). Dilip is very much looking forward to playing the part of the Mikado especially as everyone bows to him (!) but 'virtue is triumphant only in theatrical performances'.
Claire 'Katisha', played by Claire Padbury
After a rare opportunity to play a very glamorous Baroness in 'The Sound of Music' for Leatherhead Operatic Society last year, Claire is back to familiar territory of playing an 'old bag in a nice frock' role! Claire is delighted to be appearing in her first show with ELOC, and especially playing Katisha in a traditional production having previously portrayed her as a 'Dynasty-style rich bitch' in a version set in a Japanese car factory 'Trouble at Titipushi' with Leatherhead Operatic Society in 1997. Previous work with LOS includes other 'old bat' roles such as Dame Carruthers (Yeomen of the Guard) and a fading, drunken Diana, Goddess of the Moon (Thespis), as well as being a soloist in their gala charity concerts. Roles with The Opera Club of Reigate and other local societies include Prince Orlofsky (Die Fledermaus), Valencienne (The Merry Widow), Pitti-Sing (The Mikado), Hebe (HMS Pinafore) and Svetlana (Chess). Claire spent 14 years as a wedding singer and is a founding member of the close harmony cabaret group 'Serendipity'; she is also a Volunteer Local Coordinator for the 'Help for Heroes' charity.
Michael 'Ko-Ko', played by Michael Lock
Michael has been with the company for twenty one years, and in that time has played many roles from his first, Tommy Albright (Brigadoon), followed by Alfred P Doolittle (My Fair Lady), Billy Crocker (Anything Goes), 'Wild' Bill Hickock (Calamity Jane), Captain Corcoran (HMS Pinafore), Fagin (Oliver!) and the Lord Chancellor (Iolanthe) to name but a few. Michael is enjoying reprising the role of Ko-Ko he first played for ELOC in 1999. Michael has also had the honour to sing with former members of The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company in productions of H.M.S. Pinafore and Trial by Jury. In 2002 Michael sang at the wedding of a colleague in St Paul's Cathedral. When Michael is not playing thespian, he works as an administrator for Wandsworth Borough Council and in his spare time (ha ha) plays cricket (reasonably) and golf (badly). Michael studied singing with the distinguished baritone John Noble.
ChrisE 'Pooh-Bah', played by Chris Evans
Chris is proud to be a founder member of ELOC and has enjoyed seeing the company flourish over the years. He has been involved in amateur theatre for most of his life and has played many major parts during his 'thespian' career ranging from leading man to pantomime dame! This time he is playing the part of 'Pooh Bah' - a pompous, ostentatious official, who fulfils none of the high-ranking offices he holds. . . Chris has absolutely no idea why he got this part!? He would also like to clarify that he is in fact wearing a padded suit which means he will be able to enjoy all the after show curries with no guilt!
Lisa 'Pitti-Sing', played by Lisa Scott
This is Lisa's fifth G&S production but only her second G&S show as the other four were all different productions of 'The Pirates of Penzance'. She was delighted to be cast in the role of Pitti-Sing and to have the opportunity to double her knowledge of G&S! Lisa first joined ELOC in 2008 when she played Alex (one of the witches) in The Witches of Eastwick. Since then she has enjoyed being in many ELOC shows. An accountant by profession, Lisa spends the majority of her spare time working in the performing arts. She also enjoys supporting productions behind the scenes having served on various committees for more than twenty years, more recently taking up a role as a Director. The week after 'The Mikado' she will be working front of house for The Lyric Players' production of 'The Sound of Music' at the Secombe Theatre, Sutton.
Jackie 'Peep-Bo', played by Jacky Cook
Jacky is delighted to be back on the Playhouse stage with ELOC. She first joined them in 2010 as part of the chorus of 'The Pirates of Penzance'. She was thrilled to be offered the part of Peep-Bo and has thoroughly enjoyed rehearsing with her fellow 'sisters' under the same production team as Pirates. Jacky is no stranger to the stage and has performed with several other societies in the area. Her favourite roles include Eliza Doolittle (My Fair Lady), Ann Pornick (Half a Sixpence), Hope Harcourt (Anything Goes), the Sergeant (The Pirates of Penzance), Yum-Yum (Hot Mikado) and Madeleine Astor & Kate Murphey, not at the same time! (Titanic the Musical). When not on the stage, Jacky can often be found somewhere backstage crewing or prompting! Away from the theatre Jacky is a busy Mum to two boys, neither of whom are remotely interested in joining her on stage!
ChrisH 'Pish-Tush', played by Chris Haslett
This is Chris's eleventh production with ELOC but his first major principal role. Gilbert and Sullivan is Chris's favourite variety of light opera and he has hugely enjoyed playing chorus and minor principal parts in ELOC's productions of 'The Hot Mikado', 'The Yeomen of the Guard', 'The Godfather Gondoliers' and 'The Pirates of Penzance'. Before joining ELOC Chris has played the roles of Luiz and Giuseppe (The Gondoliers), Frank (Showboat) and Karl (The White Horse Inn). Outside of ELOC and work, Chris's time is largely taken up by being a hands-on grandfather to his six grandchildren of whom he has high hopes as future performers. Chris feels confident that his place as a performing member in ELOC is secure, largely due to
his willingness to offer his house as a venue for the after-show party.
Gareth Go-To', played by Gareth Thomas
Gareth's association with ELOC began in 2006 when his daughter dragged him along to be in his first production 'Me and My Girl', where he played the 'Posh Policeman'. Since then he has had supporting and minor chorus roles from Cord Elam (Oklahoma!) to Bacchus God of Wine (Orpheus in The Underworld). His last part was as hen pecked husband, Edgar Bean, Third Class Passenger (Titanic the Musical). Outside of ELOC he has played a variety of roles with Mayhem Musical Theatre Company including Papa (Beauty and The Beast), Mitch Maypole (Saucy Jack and The Space Vixens) and all the male adult parts, seven in total! from 'Spring Awakening'. Gareth's latest G&S was last year in 'The Pirates of Penzance' as the entire Policeman's Chorus!

ShoShow Photos by Phill Griffiths - click here