1. The Company shall be called "The Epsom Light Opera Company".


2. The object of the company is to entertain and educate the public in the dramatic and operatic arts to further the development of public appreciation and taste in the said arts, to assist and further such charitable institutions and charitable purposes as the committee shall from time to time determine and, in furtherance of this object but not otherwise the Company through its management committee shall have the following powers:

(a) To promote plays, dramas, comedies, operas, operettas and other dramatic and operatic works of educative value;

(b) To purchase, acquire and obtain interests in the copyright of or the right to perform or show any such dramatic or operatic works;

(c) To purchase or otherwise acquire plant, machinery, furniture, fixtures, fittings, scenery and all other necessary effects;

(d) To raise funds and invite and receive contributions from any person or persons whatsoever by way of subscription, donation and otherwise; provided that the Company shall not undertake any permanent trading activities in raising funds;

(e) To do all such other things as shall further the objects of the Company


3. The Company shall consist of:

(a) Performing Member - A Cast Member of the current or any other production(s) in the previous twelve months.

Fees: A Show Fee for each production which includes an Annual Membership Fee as described in
Rule 15;

(b) Non Performing Member - A Non Performing Member is anyone who would like to be associated with the Company and can upgrade to a Performing Member, subject to current audition procedures.

Fees: An Annual Membership Fee as described in Rule 16 which will be deducted from a Show Fee if upgrading to a Performing Member;

(c) Life Member - A person who has rendered special service to the Company as nominated by the Management Committee

Fees: No Annual Membership Fee. A Show Fee per show (if applicable);

(d) Committee Member - A person serving on committee for the current year.

Fees: No Annual Membership Fee. A Show Fee per show (if applicable);

Notes: All categories are eligible to vote at any meeting of the Company